As with most businesses, we started out of necessity and lack of sources available.
As funny as it sounds, we never intended to be in the peptide business. I'll share the story so you'll understand.
Both my wife and I had been using Semaglutide for a year. We knew several friends who had also been using either Semaglutide or Tirzepatide for weight loss. One friend said " I have a way of buying the powder, and it's the same thing, just not mixed. It's a LOT cheaper".
Since Kelli and I were paying over $800 a month for our Semaglutide, I was very interested. I was however afraid that my friend may end up on the news for injecting himself with fentanyl or something. I've been in several businesses in my life and have a wide array of contacts in various industries. I called a friend who ran a lab at a previous employer (not in the medical industry) and told him what I was looking for. He gave me the name of a lab who could perform the tests and tell me EXACTLY what was in a vial, and it's purity.
I sent 4 vials into the lab from 4 different suppliers my friend had used and found 2 had better than 99% purity, and one had 45% purity, and one had 1.79% semaglutide in the vial. Can you imagine running a test with the 1.79% and wondering why you couldn't replicate the results you got with the 99.96% pure vial?
While the purity is a very high indicator of quality, it's not the only factor I wanted to see. Of course I'm looking for how much Semaglutide is in the vial, and I wouldn't order anything less than 99.5% pure, but to me it's more critical to know whats in the vial that ISN'T Semaglutide. IF a product is 99.5% Semaglutide, is the .05% a harmful agent?
Every order that we recieve has samples tested at a lab for quantity, purity, and harmful substances. WE are happy to share those test results with our customers. I used Semaglutide as an example, but we do the same testing with each peptide.
In my careers throughout life, I have been known as a "sourcing guy" who can find what a person needs. We leveraged that ability in the case of peotides and found suppliers very near the original manufacturing sources and cut out the vast majority of the middle groups, allowing us to control/maintain quality, packaging, and delivery of the products we carry.
Again, we do not recommend usign our products on human subjects. The testing done is for our own peace of mind and to guarantee we aren't one of the many places selling complete junk to our customers.